
Round Robin style play where teams play other teams of similar record

What is Swissholio?

With a swissholio style tournament teams will play a round-robin tournament set to the number of rounds you would like them to play. Each round will wait for the previous round to finish. Teams will be sorted based on their record, total points, and points against. When the previous round ends the system will fill your next round with teams from top to bottom avoiding duplicate match ups.

Swissholio requires a PRO level organizer subscription to run.

Rules for a Swissholio tournament

There are a few intricacies with running a swissholio style tournament:

  1. For set teams, singles and blind-draw you must have an even amount of teams or players

  2. For a switcholio tournament you will need a multiple of 4 players in the tournament

What if I dont have even teams or a multiple of 4?

Then you need to add a Ghost or a BYE team.

How do I setup a Swissholio tournament?

Swissholio Video Tutorial

Last updated