Organizer Assist
Team PPR Import from season
Show edited rounds in Scoremagic (organizer or player)
"Show all organizer's Upcoming Tournaments"
New apps for Organizer Assist
Season Stats in Pre-Reg Table
Reset Team Stats option on deleting schedule
Scheduling Pre-Reg Go Live Date
Add/Delete and validate for a set schedule
Pickleball player profile
DUPR singles/doubles rank chart added to bottom profile
DUPR ratings added in place of SPR on rankings grids, main profile, QR checkin code
Trophy Room added to Player profile
Player profile has "Disable" or "enable" for SPR limit disclaimer, in Player profile settings
Run a Tournament
Pre-payment Icon added for Run a Tournament
Create a Tournament
Added PPR/DPR to rank by list for Horseshoes
Contact Organizer Info
SPR Toggle capped at changing every 6 hours
Run a Tournament
Test/Private Tag added
Public contact info for organizer settings
Axe Throwing
Country/states added - Including State Rankings
Pre-registration - New pre-reg with payment options
Dark Mode
Horseshoes Scoremagic
Streaming Widget Overlays
Fix past tab sorting on Find a Tournament
Compare stats for other sports
Revamped Find a Tournament page
All new Filtering/Sorting for Find a Tournament
Custom Filters for Specific Tournaments
New and improved "Mine" Section with current and past
Bug Fix: Fixed issue with practice tab not filtering on tags correctly and not allowing user to update tags
Bug Fix: Add bag tracking back to practice modes
Ability to Rank By PPR and DPR (Cornhole only) for all Team Generations including Set Teams and Blind Draw
SPR Corrections are now sent to a vote by everyone that was playing in the tournament. Peers can choose to approve or deny the request
Ability to cancel an SPR correction request
Make Scoremagic choose the odd round player and even round player for set teams. Will autoselect the correct player.
Move all paused games in a set schedule to the bottom of the coming up list.
Add Wins/Loss/Ties/Win Percentage to Seasons table for player rankings
Allow for sorting by date on Player/Bag Stats on app for tournament
Bug Fix: Fix the green dot when using scoremagic on a bracket
Add the ability for the organizer to send out alerts to pre-registration players only.
Bug Fix: fix the abilitly to go to the dashboard from player profile game history.
Bug Fix: Allow postpone on set schedule to work when postponing over 500 games
Year-end player recap
Add test mode badge if a tournament is set to test mode
Redesigned welcome modals
Add error handling for when an organizer tries to change to a club name already in use
Fix copy tournament link for Androids on Run a Tournament
Last updated