Editing Organizer Profile

Add a Club name to your profile, change your email, add custom sponsor ads all in one easy peasy place.

Quick Start Guide

  1. Click on Run a Tournament

  2. Click on the settings button on the top right

  3. Click on Edit Organizer Profile

Add a Club Name

When a player scans in, pre-registers, or you manually add their email they can choose to be in your club rankings. Add your club name to begin having club rankings.

Adding Club Image and Sponsor Ads

If you are on the Advanced subscription you can add a club logo/sponsor ad in the organizer profile that will rotate with our scoreholio logo on dashboards and on players phones. Upgrade to PRO for unlimited ad rotation.

Dimensions for Sponsor ads are 800x800

Sponsor ads will rotate with the Scoreholio logo on dashboards and the player app. Currently, the two spots displaying them are when doing a Round Robin tournament and for Court Assignments when running a bracket.

Public Facing Contact Info

This is the information players will be able to see. If you dont want people to call you, dont put a phone number.

Where it will be seen

Last updated