Game History and Charts

Scoreholio allows you to deep dive into your pame history and stats.

Play History

When you have SPR+ you can click on any game in your Play History to view all the stats and results.

Search Play History

If you are looking for how you have done against a particular player you can use the search feauture:

Game Stats

When you click on any game in your game history you can deep dive into what happened in that game. If you are using Scoremagic for the sport of Cornhole you can dive deeper into the bag tracking stats.


Oh man do we love data over here and Scoreholio. Well we want to share that love with you too!! Scroll down to the bottom of your player profile and we have some great charts for you.

Note: Some charts (PPR-Points Per Round) only work for Cornhole and if you use Scoremagic.

Last updated